lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Lady in smoke (Jan 2016)

Lady in smoke (Jan 2016) - After many years, I intentionally gave pastel painting another try. It is not the easiest technique, but one that I love and that I am particularly proud of when it turns out the way I imagined. I wasn't just going for a portrait. I wanted the smoke to have a relevant part, to surround her in a smoky cloud.

Moments imprinted in blowing leaves and hurling winds (Jan 2016)

Moments imprinted in blowing leaves and hurling winds (Jan 2016) - Again I used aquarelle, but I tried out a different technique. With the intended effect of a scene in the wind, I employed pointillism.

To the bazaar (Dec 2015)

To the bazaar (Dec 2015) - In my aim to do a little homage to Istanbul, the town I spent my childhood in, I painted this passage taking to a bazaar. It is also the Christmas gift I made for my brother. It took me three tries before I was satisfied with it.
Playing with variations in the watercolor density and their effects was center of this painting.

Sunset into the sea (Dec 2015)

Sunset into the sea (Dec 2015) - A big canvas and acrylic colors. My first acrylic work, which I chose for a sea painting. For my idea, painting lakes and seas are some of the most difficult scenes. I took it as a challenge not only to make it look realistic, but to also create a mood. Clouds can also be tricky, but it is wonderful to work with the palette and experimenting with the light. It took me several days, but I am especially proud of this work.

Dancing in the street (Nov 2015)

Dancing in the street (Nov 2015) - After my first composition, a rain scenery, I wanted to do one with music as a theme. I created this composition. The dancing girl was the first element in this picture and  inspired me to add musicians and to eventually create a story about street music.

Dancing in the rain, instead of waiting for the sun to shine. (Nov 2015)

The Art of life consists in dancing in the rain, instead of waiting for the sun to shine. (Nov 2015) - This was my first composition with watercolors and probably one of my favourite creations until now. I wanted to create a rain scene for a long time, but I wanted it to be colourful and to tell a story. The painting was inspired by a German saying: "The Art of life consist in dancing in the rain, instead of waiting for the sun to shine."

The morning (Sep 2015)

The morning (Sep. 2015) - Here I practiced painting a whole body with watercolor. I wanted the woman to look as natural as possible, almost as if drawn with pencils, but made watery.

Umarmung (Sep 2015) - Hug

Umarmung (Sep. 2015) - Hug. This was one of my early watercolor paintings. I mainly tried to use a more non-natural coloring. My aim was to give it a saturated effect with a higher contrast.

La mariposa (Sep 2015) - The butterfly

La mariposa (Sep 2015) - the butterfly, high above the clouds. This is one of my first paintings with watercolors.